Booking system - please use ClubSpark booking facility
Court Booking
Please use the ClubSpark booking facility to book a court - click here to open the ClubSpark link or download the ClubSpark booking app onto your phone
Members can register for an account, or log in with their LTA account and see what courts are available and make/amend bookings. We would encourage all members to set up an LTA Lite membership which is both easy and free of charge, and has benefits for both you and the Club.
To try to ensure it is fair for everyone we have set out some guidance and this will be reviewed regularly as things change.
Court bookings can be made 7 days advance.
Courts can be booked for between 30 minutes and 2 hours at a time.
Each member will be able to book 7 hours worth of court time per week and a maximum of 2 hours per day.
We ask for members to be considerate to others when booking courts and if you no longer require the booked court then cancel it at your earliest convenience.
If you are unable to access this website or have any difficulties then you can still book courts by messaging Jenny Chatterley and she will make the booking on the system for you.
If you have any questions at all please contact Simon Brewer or Jenny Chatterley who will be very happy to help.