The main club tournament is held in September and Finals Day is in early October. A wide range of events are held including:
Mens & Ladies Open Singles (Gold & Silver levels)
Mens & Ladies Handicapped Singles
Mens, Ladies & Mixed Open Doubles
Mens, Ladies & Mixed Handicapped Doubles
Junior Singles events
Family Doubles (Adult & Junior)
The senior tournament entry form is available upon request
This pre season tournament runs with both a team doubles and a team singles format. It is a great fun way for new members to get introduced and for existing members to throw off the cobwebs of winter to get ready for the new season. Team members are seeded so players of all abilities can take part and have an enjoyable match. Matches start in February with a Finals Day in mid April.
Throughout the year we hold our very popular monthly American Tournament where players of all abilities meet and play in a doubles format – on a Sunday usually at 2pm. Partners are rotated throughout the mini-doubles session and we have trophies for both the monthly winner and the overall annual winner